Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Things are going smoothly here, with the Grad students completing their Finals. When the library staff comes back after the weekend (we're closed Friday thru Sunday) we'll be on "summer hours". We full-time staff have only a half-hour lunch break, but get to split at 1:30pm on Friday and have no weekends until late August. Makes it possible to have some relaxing weekends without using up vacation time. :-)

Donna and I both hit 'milestones' at Weight Watcers last night. We have both lost some weight each week and feel good that we are doing so well. We just have to get into the habit of using the excercise bike every night.

Meant to mention Buddy Hackett yesterday, but got involved with other stuff at work. I always liked Hackett, having seen him on so many Ed Sullivan and other shows as I grew up. My father, in particular, liked him.

Of course, you can't forget him in the great IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD. I keep meaning to pick it up on DVD, one of these days.

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