Tuesday, July 08, 2003

I picked up my bi-weekly batch of comics over the weekend. While I haven't had a chance to read them all I did want to make a few comments on those I have before they are 'old news.'

THE AUTHORITY #3 which seems to be finishing off the "Reality Inc." storyline, and none too soon. Sadly, the Jenny suddenly revealing her true power thing is already old! One more issue and I'm done. Which I actually feel bad about, but Morrison seems to be doing NOTHING new.

ASTRO CITY:Local Hero #3 was excellent. Apparently, this was the story originally scheduled to run in the original series, but was pulled. Nice story about an AC girl learning things about life outside the Big City. Some folks were actually complaining, in the letter column (which I'm glad to see some folks continuing), that Kurt & Co. aren't focusing on the heroes, but rather 'normal folks'. Hell, that's one of the things that makes (and has always made) AC stand out! :-) Actually, I enjoy these stand alone issues as a nice change. Of course, I also look forward to a return to some of the major heroes in the upcoming arc. :-)

USAGI YOJIMBO #67 is the second part of a storyline featuring an artist who can bring to life whatever he draws. He needs the blood of children to make his ink, and naturally Usagi isn't too thrilled with that idea. Stan also gets to 'tip his hat' to the giant monsters we all love. So far he has done riffs on MOTHRA, GIDHRA & GAMMERA, you don't see the creature at the end of the book, but I think that we will see his take on GOJIRA in the next issue. Creepy stuff, but also fun! UY is definetly in my Top Five and some months my #1 read.

TERRA OBSCURA #1 has shades of WATCHMEN, naturally, but I'm really looking forward to see what Moore does with these old GA heroes. When he re-introduced them back in TOM STRONG, I was hoping that we'd see them again. Recommended!

I plan on having more comments on comics in the next few days, and I also had a chance to see a couple of recent DVD releases with Donna that I want to talk about later.

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