Monday, March 31, 2008

Friday, March 28, 2008

I find it interesting that even with the Wright controversy, Obama still is seen in a more favorable light than Hillary. This has always been a weakness for Clinton and perhaps something she simply cannot overcome. It appears that the recent statements and what looks like bad memory, if not outright lies, about what happened in Bosnia certainly are not going to help.
I have also been a bit troubled by those Dems who say that they will vote for McCain should their candidate not win the nomination. Granted I still waffle on voting for Clinton should she get the nomination, but I know damn well that I would never vote for John McCain! How could you go from supporting a pro-choice candidate, who hopes to improve the availability of health care to voting for one who is anti-choice and feels he can sit back while the economy is going down the toilet? Spite goes only so far!
Large majorities of white Democratic voters view Obama as honest, inspiring, patriotic, and down-to-earth. Obama's personal image surpasses Clinton's on almost every personal attribute tested in the survey, except patriotism.
In addition, roughly twice as many white Democrats say the word "phony" describes Clinton than say it describes Obama (30% vs. 16%). And the gap is even larger in perceptions of likability; 43% of white Democratic voters say the phrase "hard-to-like" describes Clinton, while just 13% say it describes Obama.
Just interesting and I thought I'd pass it along.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Probably shouldn't say anything until the contracts are signed, but it looks like The Chaputs will be moving again.
We just heard from our real estate agent and he tells us the bank has accepted our offer on the condo.
Like I said to Donna, I don't know if it's a sinking feeling I feel or excitement. A bit of both I guess.
I'll let you know as we learn more about what we do next! Wish us luck!!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008

They couldn't print this if it wasn't true!
Hope everybody had a non-toxic Easter, with lots of goodies (organic or not).
I would love to talk about what happened at Chez Chaput, but this is a family oriented site and I don't want to have to spend time explaining things which are hazy even to me.
Interesting being the only 'straight' male at dinner, but not the only thing that made the day special.
Donna outdid herself with the pork roast, her cheesecake and way too much other stuff that had all eight of us overeating. Folks also seemed happy with the leftovers they took home and I'm looking forward to some of the same later this week.
Thursday, March 20, 2008

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

As I see it both Clinton and the GOP are not going to let this go. The GOP because they would rather run the old man at the head of their ticket against the one Democrat they can beat. Hillary and her handlers would rather have McCain win and allow four more years of Republican domination, so Senator Clinton can run again in 2012 and possibly win. I actually feel bad about feeling that way but in my heart, I think that is exactly how the Clinton’s see things. If not her, than nobody!
Monday, March 17, 2008
I don’t mean to be mysterious but I also don’t want to say anything if it turns out to be something less than the worst. Trust me, I’ll keep you all informed.
The main thing is that we are going to hold off on condo hunting for a while. We are leaving the two bids we have in place, but won’t be actively looking for anything else for the time being. We would be pretty happy with either of the places we’ve found so far, although one would need a bit more work than the other before we could move in.
Because of that we have spent some time at Loew’s checking out appliances, carpeting and flooring, as well as looking at way too many paint samples. Considering my partial color-blindness it seems to me that over a third of the samples look identical, so I’m leaving it up to Donna (with not always helpful input from Kristina) to pick the colors.
On a much lighter note, Donna and I spent part of both Saturday and Sunday playing Bingo. We went to our favorite place on Saturday evening and then made a last minute decision to travel to San Manuel for their Sunday games. Seriously, at 10:30am we had very different plans for our afternoon and at 1:00pm we were handing over the car keys to the valet at the casino. Part of this was due to unreturned phone calls from my stepdaughter who was busy playing in a ‘ladies only’ poker tournament at a different casino. As Donna always says, “Let’s blame The Child!”
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008
Hillary wants to have it both way it seems, attacking Obama with the 'fear' ad about the 3:00am phone call, but at the same time floating the idea of Barack as her V.P. Everybody, including the Big O have already pointed out that he is ahead in delegate count and number of state primaries won. Why should he even consider the Number Two spot if he may very well be running for the Oval Office seat later this year? Also, if he isn't qualified to answer the phone why IS he qualified to be V.P.? Finally, the whole "I have experience, John McCain has experience and Obama made a speech" thing seems silly if she wants him to join her in the podium in August.
From what I've been seeing the past few days the Clinton campaign might have done a bit of research before putting the "3:00am phone call" ad together. You use footage about eight years old and then have the 'little girl' in the ad pop up all over the news shows talking about how she not only supports your rival but is working in his campaign. Bwahahaha!
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Should somebody be dismissed from a political campaign for engaging in 'free speech'? Considering the stunts the Clinton campaign has pulled and continues to pull on an almost daily basis the term 'monster' actually seems pretty mild. I could think of a few more terms, but won't as this is a 'family' blog. :-)
Considering that at one time I had a great deal of respect for Hillary & Bill, I really do feel bad that they have revealed themselves to be exactly what others have said of them. Seemed way too easy for them to pick up the Rove brand of campaigning, didn't it?
Just to keep everybody updated:
We're still condo hunting out here and will probably be checking out two or three places tomorrow with Eric. Sadly, we still haven't heard back from the bank on one of the properties on which we put in a bid. We have seen a couple places nicer, but the earlier place could be fixed up and Donna loves the layout. Bottom line, it is also a few thousand dollars cheaper even including some of the things we'd have to purchase.
On a more pleasant note, we're heading out to Bingo again tonight. I hit for $250 last Saturday night, so I've been picking up some comics and tonight's 'buy-in' from all that. Donna and I have pretty decent luck at this place, although her biggest hit was still back at San Manuel Casino.
Speaking of that place, The Child seems eager to travel up there with us so we may be taking a family outing next Saturday when I'm off. My step-daughter is going through a serious poker playing phase, winning a few online tournaments and doing pretty well at another local casino's tables. Word is she has been mistaken for a certain female Poker all-star by several folks. A couple of the dealers at one casino have even given her the nickname, "The black widow" because of the number of male players she has 'killed off'. Ya gotta love it!!
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Apparently the City of Orange, at least their computer filter, has labeled Blogger a ‘social networking’ site. Therefore I am unable to access it while on at my workstation. Since I rarely go online at home (as I like to be spending time with my wife) I can’t say how often I’ll be posting at either of my blogs.
I’m considering trying to find someplace else to post a webpage that I can get to on my breaks and at lunch. I’ll keep you informed.
On a political note, I WILL NOT vote for Hillary Clinton in November. FYI!!