I only wish something like this would happen! Things look bad here and I don't expect them to get any better.
We already have a 10% cut in the Library budget and we are supposed to plan for further cutbacks. Fingers crossed!
Well, Happy Holidays anyway.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
A California Carol
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Books = Gifts
They really do, you know!
Of course, my "Fra-gee-lee" (it's Italian)leg lamp Christmas ornament was an amazing birthday present. Thanks, sweetheart!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Down Goes Gov. Blagojevich! Does This Help Obama?
Is this going to allow the GOP to start pushing for investigations like we saw throughout the Clinton administration? At least it is going to give the Right something to talk about for months, using it to get contributions from the base.
By the way, Donna is back home and the doctor told her the biopsies were negative. They found no trace of cancer in her thyroid. Whew!
Also, my doctor tells me that the stress test was good and my heart will keep beating for a while. Just have to watch that cholesterol. hehe
Take care and easy on the eggnog!
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Star Wars Vs. Star Trek - DMP Edition HQ
Passing this along for fans of both series. Nicely done!
Dedicated to The Child. :-)
Saturday, November 29, 2008
On the positive front, the specialist has told me that I DO NOT have glaucoma, but will have to have my eyes checked again since I do have cataracts beginning in both eyes. My mother had them, as did her mom, so I guess it shouldn't come as a surprise. I'm still awaiting the results of a stress test of my heart, which I'm hoping will show good news as well.
Donna will be going in on Dec. 8th for a thyroidectomy. I'll be taking the day off to be with her that day, but she may have to stay in for up to two days. We have our fingers crossed that all will go well.
Like most folks, we have been watching the ongoing drama in Mumbai the past few days. Interesting to find out who may have been behind it, with the Indian press & public believing it to be 'official' sanctioned by the Pakistani government, despite their denials. Naturally, with the crisis still going and little actual information it didn't take long for U.S. "terrorism experts" to announce that it was obviously the work of Al Qaeda or of individuals with ties to them. I saw one such 'expert' who looked barely old enough to be in grad school. How do you get that kind of gig? Shouldn't you have done something besides attend a few classes taught by somebody else who never did anything of note?
Sorry, this sort of thing just pisses me off. Of course, it's all because of Obama anyway!
Saturday, November 15, 2008

We're still working with my blogs filtered here at work, but for some odd reason they are not during the weekends.
Have a busy month ahead of us out here. We're going to be watching somebody's cat for a week around Thanksgiving and Donna's BFF, Fran, will be coming out to stay with us for a few days. Saying much about either will just get me in trouble, so I'll leave it at that. :-)
Don't have much to say about it, but Donna will be having some surgery in early December. You never know about things like that, as it depends on other tests and how her general health will be at that time. I'll keep you all updated and appreciate the nice, e-mails folks have sent asking about her.
Unfortunately, the fire season seems to be off to a start, with hundreds of acres and dozens of homes already burned. Odd that one of the big fires up Santa Barbara way happened the very, day after the state-wide disaster drill. We are all hoping that we won't see a repeat of last year's dozens of fires, which cost billions that we certainly don't have.
I'm currently taking part in an online class on legal research for librarians. Pretty interesting stuff! Not sure now much use I will get from it in my daily work, but it's good to know that I'll have a list of great sites & resources if I do.
That seems to be it for now! Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Alone - Veteran Support - IAVA
I wanted to share this with you, if you haven't had the chance to see it yet. I believe it was on the Rachel Maddow program that I first saw it. Then a link was sent via the IAVA newsletter, to which I subscribe.
Donna and I both had doctors appointments on Tuesday, so we didn't have the opportunity to attend any Veteran's Day events. I did watch some of the ceremonies on television.
Donna is doing a bit better, with her foot healing. It looks as if she may be taking a leave of absence from work, so that she can take care of some other health issues. That includes a possible surgery in early December. I'll have more on that when I know more.
Still miss reading and posting on Blogger, but it's still blocked on my office computer. Posting these videos gives me a chance to sort of work around that.
For the next two days, here in SoCal there will be a disaster drill taking place, called the Big Shakeout. All city agencies and many state departments will be taking part in a simulated response to a massive quake. You'll probably see something about it on some of the national news shows.
Take care! I'm thinking of you all.
Monday, November 03, 2008
Donna and I spent a couple of hours yesterday holding up signs and waving to traffic in Mission Viejo. Along with The Child and dozens of other folks we were hoping to bring attention to Prop. 8 here in California.
No on 8! Equality for all!!
Think about the issues and the candidates you are going to support. If you haven't already please get out tomorrow and vote!
Saturday, November 01, 2008

It actually does, no matter what some in the Blogosphere would have you believe. Is the Democratic candidate my first choice of those who initially ran? No, he actually came in fourth, but he was the best choice I had by the time the primaries came around to California. I've grown to have more respect for Obama and certainly feel that he will actually try to make things a little better for the average American.
The McCain campaign has been going downhill from the beginning. Any respect I had for the Old Man is completely gone at this point. The Palin choice certainly didn't help matters in my mind, or apparently in the mind of a great number of his fellow Republicans.
Wow, I can't ever remember so many people publically declaring themselves for the candidate of the other party. Sure, you'd get somebody like Zell Miller (back in 2004) or Joe Lieberman (this year), who unhappy with the Democratic nominee would turncoat and speak before the Republican Convention. This year, especially in the past month, it seems that every news cycle has another well known conservative/Republican politician coming out for Obama.
In case you're wondering, the new filter system at the library appears to allow me to post only on weekends. Don't ask why? I'll continue to try and get here during the week, either by posting videos with commentary or jump on a public terminal during lunch. Still unsure if I want to create a seperate website or see if another posting service can get around the filter.
Anyway, have a nice weekend and be sure to vote this Tuesday, if you haven't already!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Elvira - Haunted House music video
Since I might not have a chance to blog tomorrow...Happy Halloween!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Obama or McCain- Why You Should Vote
I wish I was able to access Blogger from work, but it's still blocked. Felt this video was pretty effective, so it was worth passing along.
Just so you know everything is going smoothly out here. I'm heading to the eye doctor for a checkup and new glasses this Friday.
Friday, October 24, 2008
October 24, 2008: The Day in More Than 100 Seconds
Certainly a bit more than 100 Seconds, but I really want to recommend TPM. They and the Huffington Post are keeping me sane out here.
We're still blocked at work and I'm going to have to figure out something. Might be time to find out something other than Blogger if this keeps up.
Take care, have a good weekend and vote early if you can!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I'll try to stay in touch, here and at Shot's Shack, but far less often.
By the way, Donna is feeling a bit better, but still not completely over her cold. I seem to be on the verge of catching one, starting with a scratchy throat. Sigh...
Remember, California voters, NO on Propositions 4 & 8, Yes on 2!! My two cents!!
Monday, October 20, 2008

While I seriously doubt that Sarah Palin's appearance on SNL will change the mind of any voter, I'll give her credit for doing the show. I do wonder how her fellow Alaskans will feel about it though?
At this point I think Palin is moving to establish herself for her own reelection campaign in her home state (should she decide to do that) and for 2012, where she will probably run for the top spot. Palin will have four years to campaign for the White House and has already shown that a certain part of the Republican base will align with her. This was McCain's last and best shot, so we can count him out, even if he doesn't decide to retire from public service at the end of his current term. Romney (aka The Anti-Christ), Huckabee and a few others will be maneuvering to become the favorite, knowing that Caribou Barbie will be in competition.
It was good to see Colin Powell come out for Obama, but I don't think anyone truly expected him to back McCain. I think there is just to much difference between the two men on various domestic and international issues. We'll see how the Right plays this, but I think the matter of race will certainly show it's ugly head. As even John McCain's buddy, Tom Brokaw brought it up the folks at Fox will feel that gives them a free pass to go in that direction.
That's it for now, unless something else happens later.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

If you had asked me about a month ago, I would have said (and I believe may have) that I felt John McCain had the election all but sewn up. The Palin choice seemed to have invigorated the campaign and it appeared the PUMA crowd was going to vote for McCain to get even with the Dems for NOT picking Hillary. Who knew that the bottom was going to fall out of the financial system and change the dynamics of the entire campaigns?
It will be interesting to see what happens tonight in the last debate. I'm willing to bet that McCain does bring up Ayres at least once, if not more, since if he does not he is going to be hit by his own backers and the media. It will seem at this point that he doesn't have the courage to confront Obama and "courage" is the last thing he has to run on. It is a no win for McCain now since the polls have shown that the issue only appears relevant to a small portion of his base, which would not have voted for Barack or any Democrat in any case.
This is also why the Republicans & their media tools are pushing the non-story of ACORN and voter fraud. They realize that they may in fact lose, and lose big, but want to dirty the victory before hand. It doesn't surprise me that FOX is running with this, since everything else they have thrown at Obama has not worked. The disappoint is seeing CNN give coverage to the issue, although a network that gives a platform to right-wing dimwad Glenn Beck would probably do anything so as to appear 'objective' on the issue. I expect them to bring in some 'experts' on the side of lynching so as not to offend some in the Republican base. Just my two cents!
On the personal front, Donna is feeling better, although she still has a cough. We're hoping to recover some of the money we put up for the cruise last weekend, and Carnival says they may let us roll some over for a future booking. We'll see how that works out. We're planning ahead for next year when we would like to take a Caribbean or Panama Canal cruise to celebrate our tenth anniversary. Can you believe that??
In case anybody is wondering, we are pretty much between the major fires out here. Actually nearer to the ones which burned thousands of acres in Camp Pendelton south of us. The other fires are pretty far north, but may effect the area where Elayne's brother lives, and may still as far as I know.
Probably have something to say tomorrow about the debate, especially if the Old Man takes a swing at Barack before it ends. :-)
Friday, October 10, 2008
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
John McCain's Rage is a National Security Concern
I fully expect that we are going to see McCain lose it one of these days. Something which, in a way would be good for aht public to know about, but something the Senator has so far been able to control.
Monday, October 06, 2008

With the McCain/Palin campaign reaching the desperation phase in this election, they have announced publicly that they are going to 'turn the page' on the financial crisis and begin attacking Obama even more. If you can't get somebody on the issues attack their character, even if you have to make things up and take them out of context.
This video discusses the actual case of the Keating Five, in which John McCain was deeply involved. It's not quite fourteen minutes long, but should deliver enough information for people to make up their minds.
Check it out & pass it on!
Saturday, October 04, 2008

It is not getting much play, except on some 'progressive' radio talk shows, but this article from the Army Times should get you thinking. Why, suddenly, would the Bush administration decide to bring these Army troops home to perform functions normally conducted by National Guard troops?
According to the article:
They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios such as massive poisoning and chaos in response to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive, or CBRNE, attack.
Training for homeland scenarios has already begun at Fort Stewart and includes specialty tasks such as knowing how to use the “jaws of life” to extract a person from a mangled vehicle; extra medical training for a CBRNE incident; and working with U.S. Forestry Service experts on how to go in with chainsaws and cut and clear trees to clear a road or area.
The 1st BCT’s soldiers also will learn how to use “the first ever nonlethal package that the Army has fielded,” 1st BCT commander Col. Roger Cloutier said, referring to crowd and traffic control equipment and nonlethal weapons designed to subdue unruly or dangerous individuals without killing them.
Are we expecting something perhaps at the end of this month or in early November, that might...oh, I don't know...affect elections?
Just wondering.Wednesday, October 01, 2008
The Senate is now in the midst of a debate of the current 'bailout' bill. It has been interesting to hear and read the commentary the past couple of days, both pro & con. I was listening to NPR last night and several economists agree (not on the plan, of course) that having everyone call it a 'bailout' doesn't help matters with the general public. It is not an actual bailout, as that is defined or as most of we uninformed understand the term. Unlike many of my fellow bloggers I am not going to pretend to understand the "problem", but my gut feeling is that we might actually be better off allowing some of these banks & business to go belly up. Then again, I think a 'bank holiday' where debts are forgiven or decreased to workable levels might be a good idea. There is a reason that I'm not working in retail as you can tell. :-)
The smart money says that McCain is stuck with Palin, no matter how she does tomorrow evening. I agree with Mark Evanier that it is too late for the Republicans to make a change at this point, especially with some folks already submitting 'absentee ballots' and Early Voting about to take place in some states. We haven't decided whether or not we are going to take advantage of that this year or just wait until Nov. 4th. We probably will since I'm working late and don't have to be in until noon and Donna has that Tuesday off.
Probably more to say about this whole thing later or tomorrow, depending on what happens in D.C. & Wall Street.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
The Anti-Christ (Mitt Romney for the uninitiated) was on the TODAY show this morning talking about how well John McCain did and that we should not underestimate Sarah Palin. If you saw the opening of this past Saturday's SNL, either on the broadcast, on YouTube or the various news shows that have been using it since, you know the scary thing is that Tina Fey really didn't have to do much of an exaggeration to make Palin look foolish. Clips of the actual interview with Couric show the Alaska governor is truly out of her depth when it comes to any foreign or domestic knowledge. The worst that could happen, I believe, is that Biden will make the woman look so bad that she will actually gain sympathy from those predisposed to like her and allow the McCain camp to regain some of the momentum they seem to have lost in the past couple of weeks.
As of a few minutes ago (11:00 PST) the House has not voted on the 'bailout' plan that was hammered out this weekend. It will be very interesting to see if the true Conservative Republican members of the House prevent its passage. Where do we go from there, no matte how you feel about the plan as it now stands? Should be an interesting week all around.
Monday, September 22, 2008

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
YouTube's Mass Censorship (S1959)
Something to think about knowing that Lieberman has the ear of McCain.
Don't report me!!

Monday, September 15, 2008
Forced to take Palin, against his better judgment I'm sure, he has discovered that she is his only chance to get into the White House. The Old Man wants this so badly that he will lie and distort his record, Palin's and that of Barack Obama. This is a guy who wants to have "President" on his headstone and knows this is his last chance.
If John McCain ever was a "maverick" it must have been sometime between being a member of the Keating Five and 2000. Personally, I think the fable has more to with his friends in the mainstream media than any actual examination of his voting record would demonstrate. His buddies in the Washington press corp still seem unable to reconcile the "Straight Talker" with the guy running for the third Bush term. He was a POW, you know!
I also think a lot of the folks voting for McCain because of Palin are going to be unpleasantly surprised to discover what their policies are when they go into effect.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
John McCain's ads are LIES. Here's the video proof.
This is a dangerous man! He will use any lie, smear or misleading statement to get into office and continue the policies of the Bush administration.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Monday, September 08, 2008

Saturday, September 06, 2008
Thursday, September 04, 2008

Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Bears, eagles, seals, otters and countless whales! Man, I only wish the digital camera I had could have brought some of that closer. I hope to have some of the shots from College Fjord, Glacier Bay and Mendenhall Glacier up this weekend. We are going through them, since after a while shots of trees and mountains become repetitive, no matter how amazing they were at the time.
We all agree that we'd love to go back one day, not on another cruise but perhaps tour Danali National Park or other areas.
I had originally planned on checking in once or twice, but between eating, drinking, sightseeing and the casino there just wasn't time. :-)
I'll go into more detail in a few days.
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Well, we are all packed up and ready to fly out of John Wayne Airport tomorrow for Vancouver. Then on Monday, sixteen of us (Donna, me, Donna's BFF Fran and a dozen plus of Donna's cousins and assorted spouses & partners) will be boarding the Island Princess for our seven-day Alaska cruise.
I won't promise anything, but I will try to post once or twice during the cruise, just to gloat. We'll probably check our e-mail also, if you really need to get in touch, but we won't be checking in everyday.
We will definitely be taking lots of photos so if I don't get too close to the edge of a glacier I'll post some of those when I get back. Otherwise, check with my next of kin!
Bon voyage for now!!
John McCain in "Missing, Presumed Dead"
I'm shocked at the behavior of both McCain and Kerry (whom I have admired and voted for) in this situation. Both have things to answer for, especially McCain who has been using his POW experience as both excuse and shield.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008
Bush's I.C.E. Unit Kills Again
This is the sort of thing that demands investigation and not a coverup!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008
Seriously, if nothing else it proves beyond doubt that the U.S. is pretty much impotent when it comes to international affairs. I'm sure that Putin had a good laugh, probably in G.W.'s face, when Bush said Russia should not invade a sovereign nation. Like everyone else in Beijing, Putin knows that the President is there to suck up to the Chinese, begging them not to foreclose on the U.S. At least not until after the election, when it can be blamed on somebody else. Probably the Democrats and Bill Clinton.
Donna and I have been watching the Olympics on & off all weekend. Taking a break Saturday night for Bingo and yesterday to do some shopping and grab lunch at Mimi's Cafe. As I've mentioned before, I actually prefer the Winter games for enjoyment and action. Not to knock the track & field, swimming, etc.
Anybody else rooting for Michael Phelps NOT to win the gold in each event? Nothing personal against him, but I'd just like all the announcers to shut up. It almost seems like Phelps is the only athlete competing who deserves notice. My hope is that a Silver or Bronze would get NBC to focus on someone else for a change.
Finally, and this holds true for every time gymnastics are televised. How old are these girls? This is especially apparent in the Chinese team, where I don't know if some have even reached puberty yet!! It kind of makes my feel creepy.
Anyway, enjoy the games! Bush seems to be....
Saturday, August 09, 2008

Tuesday, August 05, 2008
We thought about taking the laptop along, but decided against it. To likely to either get lost, stolen or just sit in the stateroom unused. We are going to get one of the Internet plans that the cruiselines offer, where you pay for a certain amount of online time ahead, with additional cost if you go over. Never hurts to keep in touch, plus I might try to blog just for the novelty of doing so while on vacation.
Since our other camera was taken out by a Jedi in San Diego, we bought a new one (and a tad better while we were at it) this past weekend. We'll be playing with it to make sure we know what we are doing.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
According to the U.S. Geological Survey there was a 5.8 quake, followed by a 3.4 aftershock. It was about 7 mi. east of Los Angeles near Chino.
We evacuated the Library for a few minutes and then allowed folks to come back in. Naturally, being Californians many didn't want to get up from their computers at all. Of course, it was our fault (pardon the expression) that they lost some time. *sigh*
Except for some books falling from the shelves we have suffered no damage here at the Library.
I couldn't get through to Donna on her cell, but she called me from her office phone and we compared notes. This may explain why neither of us saw Babie almost all morning. A co-worker said her cat had been acting 'hinkey' all day.
I'll let you know more if anything happens.
Monday, July 28, 2008

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It's all good and we can trust him to have it all fixed before he leaves office. The best thing would be to skip the elections and just hand everything over to John McCain. Why go through the hassle of all that voter fraud, intimidation and another move by the Supreme Court?
Stop whining!!
Monday, July 14, 2008

Saturday, July 12, 2008
Donna is home and getting used to her medication. Unfortunately, one of the side-effects is possible dizzy spells, which was also one of the symptoms of her heart ailment. Thanks to the major pharmaceutical companies for doing such a great job!
There are no major problems, but there appears to be a portion of her heart which is not receiving enough blood. This is in the tip of the heart (if you glance at an illustration) and her doctors feel that it is not serious enough at this time to operate or do anything invasive.
They want her to have a 'sleeping test' to monitor her outside the hospital. They believe she may have sleep apnea, but neither of us have seen any indication of that. As someone who was thought to have had that myself I think I'd have noticed after all this time.
She will be going back to work on Monday and we'll be keeping an eye on her, as you can imagine. It was wonderful to receive the phone calls and e-mails asking about her. We gratefully appreciate it.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Monday, July 07, 2008

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Donna and I are heading out for a weekend cruise on the Carnival Paradise, so I won't be lurking or posting until next Monday (7/7).
Folks might remember that we took the same ship on the same 3-day package last November with Donna's BFF, Fran. This time out it is just the two of us away for a romantic break from everything. This will get us into practice for the Alaska cruise next month! :-)
Hope that you all have a safe & happy Independence Day weekend. Take a moment to think of the history of this country and the men & women in uniform not able to celebrate with their families.
See you all on Monday!
Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Monday, June 30, 2008
The CS6 Numa Numa Project
This is how I spent almost ten years of my life. Things haven't changed.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Monday, June 23, 2008
A Tribute to George Carlin
Nothing says more about the man than he did in his own words.
Always remember!

I was deeply saddened to learn earlier today of the passing of George Carlin. The man was brilliant and except for his attempts at a sitcom or two, he seemed to succeed at just about everything he did. Writer, actor, comedian.
Like most guys my age, I listened to Carlin's albums over and over until I could do entire bits by memory. Along with those of The Firesign Theatre and Cheech & Chong, the Carlin albums helped to form my adult sense of humor, as the Stooges did that of my youth.
Wherever or whenever you are, Mr. Carlin, I hope you have room for your stuff!
When I get a chance, either here or over at Shot's Shack I'll probably post some video clip in memoriam.
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

There were calls from fans and the NY sports press to let Willie go at the end of last season and the bad early showing of the team increased those calls. Still it seems odd that the Mets ownership would do this after the team won the last two games.
I'm sure this won't be the last we'll see of Mr. Randolph and I would like to see him bounce back, perhaps leading a NL team next season to victory over his former employers.
I also don't expect to see any manager picking up the pieces at this point and do a much better job. We'll see.
While I'm on the topic of baseball. Go Red Sox!!! If they could only play as well on the road as at Fenway there would be no stopping them.
Monday, June 16, 2008
My sympathy goes out to any of you in the mid-west who are having problems with flooding and the weather in general. I see that the mid-Atlantic is going to be hit today or tomorrow and I'm certainly glad to be missing out on that. I'm sure those of you in Iowa and other effected areas are all looking forward to G.W. flying out to tell you how he and Homeland Security are going to help out, now that he is returning from his latest overseas waste of time. Seeing video of the flooded homes and businesses immediately makes one remember New Orleans, but have our fingers crossed that things might go a bit better for you this time around.
I had to pay $4.53 the other day at the pump and I'm afraid to see what it might be Wednesday when I have to refill. Donna and I were laughing at some guy complaining about paying $4.10 somewhere, wishing we were only paying that much! We're already seeing some supermarkets raising the prices on some items, especially California tomatoes which have been declared safe.
As you can see, nothing of note to pass along, but did want to let you know I'm thinking of you!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
As many of his friends and colleagues said it will be strange not to have around during the rest of the election cycle. They guy sure loved politics.
My condolences to his family, friends and the viewers who enjoyed his broadcasts.
On a personal note, I was surprised to discover that Russert and I were the same age. It was especially strange that I heard the news as I was coming from a visit to my own doctor's office where she scheduled me for tests of my heart. My mother and both paternal grandparents suffered from heart problems and with that kind of history I probably shouldn't take chances.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Since getting told that removing our troops isn't important to John McCain, I guess he'll be focusing on his economic policy plans. A leader for change, for sure!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Monday, June 09, 2008
Saturday we finally got around to putting up the Thomas Kincaid print we bought at auction & had framed. It looks really nice over the loveseat. We also put up a valance over the window to the balconey, something we have talked about since we moved in but put off. Now that we have put the househunting on hold we are doing some rearranging and decorating on the apartment.
We have some more valances to put up in the guest room and I have to decide if I'm going self-frame my Speed Racer poster or have it professionally done. Considering it is signed and the price (don't ask, even at auction!) I might have somebody who knows what they are doing take care of it and not just throw it into something I pick up at Wal-Mart. :-)
Don't think I mentioned it, but our PC monitor went out after barely two years (I do not recommend Acer!), so we went to Circuit City to buy a new one. We got a nice 19" HP flat-screen, which we are happy with so far. Also, Donna got me an early Father's Day present and I returned the favor, for no reason other than we both wanted one, by buying me my first MP3 player. We went with a couple of Sansa products, with FM tuners, since it will be nice to have that as an option. As I learn more about using it I'll let you know what I think. So far, I'm happy with the FM presets, but not sure how I feel about the five 'free' songs that come already installed.
More on all this tech later.
Friday, June 06, 2008

I also don’t believe the ‘campaign maps’ that the news shows are trotting out. I don’t think that there really is a huge base of support for McCain, even among Republicans. I’m sure there are a great number of people who respect him for what he did and what the media paints him as, but I don’t know that they are all waiting to see him in the White House.
Of course, I was wrong about the last two elections, so….
Thursday, June 05, 2008

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I was stationed in Norfolk, VA at the time and a few of us decided to take in a ‘rock ‘n’ roll revival’ concert on evening. The headliner was Chuck Berry, along with Bo Diddley, ‘Chubby’ Checker and several singing groups from that era, The Dovells (“Bristol Stomp”) & The Shirelles (“Soldier Boy”).
By now of course, you know where this is going. As he walks away both of us realize that the guitar case he has is rather oddly shaped. It’s square! At the same instant we both say to each other…”That was Bo Diddley!!” Brush with greatness, indeed.
Rest in Peace, Ellas Otha Bates. Hey, Bo Diddley!