We're still working with my blogs filtered here at work, but for some odd reason they are not during the weekends.
Have a busy month ahead of us out here. We're going to be watching somebody's cat for a week around Thanksgiving and Donna's BFF, Fran, will be coming out to stay with us for a few days. Saying much about either will just get me in trouble, so I'll leave it at that. :-)
Don't have much to say about it, but Donna will be having some surgery in early December. You never know about things like that, as it depends on other tests and how her general health will be at that time. I'll keep you all updated and appreciate the nice, e-mails folks have sent asking about her.
Unfortunately, the fire season seems to be off to a start, with hundreds of acres and dozens of homes already burned. Odd that one of the big fires up Santa Barbara way happened the very, day after the state-wide disaster drill. We are all hoping that we won't see a repeat of last year's dozens of fires, which cost billions that we certainly don't have.
I'm currently taking part in an online class on legal research for librarians. Pretty interesting stuff! Not sure now much use I will get from it in my daily work, but it's good to know that I'll have a list of great sites & resources if I do.
That seems to be it for now! Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
I find it very spooky how matter-of-factly you used the phrase 'the fire season'. It sounds very post-armageddon. Well, good luck with that and the best for Donna's foot.
It really strange after only a couple of years here to just accept the fact that thousands of acres of land are going to go up in flames. If I hadn't read that book you recommended this would all be a total surprise!
We expect rains this week so hopefully that will keep things quiet through the Thanksgiving holiday.
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