Friday, March 05, 2004

Sad article over in the Washington Post {for which registration is required. Sorry about that!} about the state of hospitals and medicine in Iraq. You'd have thought that one of the first things the 'coalition forces' would have done (after resupplying water, food and electricity) would be to ensure the people of Iraq had adequate medical facilities and equipment. Apparently that was not the case and things only seem to be getting worse.

A read another article this morning on how the civilian casualties in Iraq do not seem to be a factor of concern for Americans and will probably not effect Bush in the coming election. Maybe if the Democrats or someone in the media (Yeah, I know we can't count on the mainstream to say anything that might upset us, unless is can get a panic started (i.e. Mad Cow Disease)) did bring these things to the attention of the citizens it might. I mean the lack of medical care and the continuing death toll are linkable and it shouldn't be too difficult for even the talking heads to make the connection.

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