Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Maybe it's the crummy weather, or maybe I'm coming down with a cold and it's making me depressed. Still I can't help but be convinced that G.W. will walk away with the up-coming election in November. While not as close as we would hope Kerry will still fall short of the necessary Electoral College votes, giving Bush & Co. another four years.

Sometime next spring a number of scandals and revelations will occur that will turn the American people (too late) against the administration, which will spend the next three plus years trying to prevent both the Prez and V.P. from ending up before the same type of impeachment process we saw Bill Clinton barely survive. We can also expect not only the death toll in Iraq to increase, but for U.S. troops to be sent into at least one other mid-East country for some obscure rational which will later turn out to be false.

Hang on to your hats, it's going to be a bumpy four plus years! (Yeah, I hope I'm off base on this, too.)

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