Have I mentioned before that I'm the 'obit' Librarian here? It kind of falls to the person in charge of microfilm to also handle the requests we receive for obituary searches. We probably receive a couple of requests from around the country every week. Folks in the area are welcome to come to the library and do their own searches, but out-of-town requests seem more frequent.
The job sort of came to me by default since when I was hired I mentioned that I had worked with microfilm & microfiche for years at both public and academic libraries. Be careful what you put in those resumes, kids!
On a political note, does anybody buy Rove's "wants to spend more time with his family" thing? Who would want the creepy guy hanging around the backyard all day? It should also be obvious that even out of the White House he'll still be calling a lot of the shots through former staffers and go-betweens.
Personally, I'd rather see the Attorney General hitting the road, but as he knows where the skeletons are buried (and may have put a few there himself) I don't think he'll be leaving until G.W. climbs aboard the helicopter in Jan. of '09. That is of course, if we still have elections next year!
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