Saturday, June 30, 2007

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Guess what two procedures I'm going to have done tomorrow?
I'm limited to 'clear' non-solid foods today, so I don't want to hear that crap about "There's always room for Jello!" Trust me, you can only eat so much Jello and you don't want anymore. My big meal tonight will be chicken broth, which I'm actually looking forward to having.
After I get home from work I'll be taking the first of two doses of Fleet's Phosopho-soda. You know how much fun the rest of the night will be.
I'll get back to you Friday afternoon and let you know how I am.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
The fires in the Lake Tahoe region are getting worse, as they have jumped the firebreak created by the firefighters. Over two thousand residents have been evacuated and reports state that it may be several more days (after the weekend, in fact) before officials believe they can get things under control.
I may be cranky tomorrow, so fair warning. I'll be on a clear food (jello, broth, juices) diet for a day to prepare for the procedures on Friday. I will have "more than you need to know" information on the whole thing.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Parts of California are going up in flames as we speak, but fortunately the damage seems to be limited to "structures" and there have been no deaths. It's strange hearing the various spokespeople referring to 'structures' making it seems like they are talking about outhouses or storage sheds, NOT the homes & businesses of hundreds of families.
For those keeping track, there was a minor trembler felt here last week. Seismo-Watch has the past two weeks with 20+ 'events' each, but nothing above a 3.0. We're keeping an eye on things, since this is below the norm.
Friday, June 22, 2007

Just as I woke up in a down mood yesterday, I woke up feeling much better today. No thanks to the ***** upstairs who feels it's perfectly fine to start her washing machine at 6:00am.
Since I'm working six days this week you'd think I wouldn't be all that joyful, but El Toro really isn't a bad commute, nor is it that tough a branch. Of course, nothing I've seen here in The OC compares to what I dealt with day after day in Queens & Brooklyn.
Thursday, June 21, 2007

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Some mornings I wake up and see my father looking at me in the mirror, but usually it's like seeing my Uncle Charlie. Several years ago, before he passed away himself, my uncle's son (Charles, Jr.) approached me and said how eerie it was to see me, since I looked so much like his dad.
When we were kids, my cousin Chris and I would joke about how we hoped we wouldn't grow up to look like various uncles. Naturally, both of us did!
Btw, that's how I look on my City of Orange ID. Donna's right! I do need new glasses.
Monday, June 18, 2007
The day started with a card from 'Babie' & Donna, then a phone call from Kristina. She was in San Diego celebrating with her father, but will be having a belated sushi dinner with me later this week. As Donna doesn' t really care for sushi, it's nice to have somebody to share my love of the stuff.
Then Donna took me out for breakfast, followed by a movie. We caught SHREK III, which we have wanted to see since it came out a few weeks ago. Later, I threw a couple of steaks on the barbecue and we had a relaxing evening. I'd worked the past six days, so it was nice to unwind.
Saturday, June 16, 2007

I may actually be attending the San Diego Comicon, at least for one day. That would be the final Sunday of the show (7/29/07) , as I've recently purchased a one-day pass online. Donna and I will probably come down the night before, after I get out of work, and stay with Michael (Kristina's father) at his place near Balboa Park.
On another note, we've been playing ABC's National Bingo Night and having a good time, being the Bingo addicts we are. Believe it or not, Donna actually won last night, although we can't figure out from the ABC website what we might have won. Her name will be entered for a random drawing, but we both think there was some kind of gift certificate for all winners. I'll keep you updated when we find out.
Also, Happy Anniversary to Tony Isabella and his wife Barb! THE Tony is one of the nicest and "beloved" guys in the comics business, if you don't already know him.
Thursday, June 14, 2007

This is a SHELDON Sunday panel from early this year. I just happened to find it and couldn't resist the urge to pass it along.
Once again, let me recommend Dave Kellett's delightful strip, over at www.sheldoncomics.com
Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Apparently someone reported smoke and going outside on the patio confirmed that you could see & smell it. Fortunately, it was confined to a drainage opening and I’m going to guess someone tossed a cigarette butt in and walked away. Less than a half hour and the firemen had left, but it still makes me nervous.
On a political note, it seems that we just might see an invasion or at least some military action against Iran before the end of the year. I saw a White House spokesperson and someone from the State Dept. talking last night about ‘hard evidence’ showing that Iran was arming the Taliban. Add this to the nuclear weapons/power issue and I don’t think I’d get bad odds in Vegas on something happening before the New Year.
Apparently, word has leaked out about an Executive Order which gives G. W. the power to pretty much declare martial law, or at least consolidate almost total power with the President to ensure “constitutional government.” Looks like we might not have to worry about who is on the ticket of either party next year.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Over the past month or so, I actually got around to posting a few more photos and have created a list of 'Friends', several of whom I actually know. If you already have your own account, look me up and list me. Just don't expect anything fancy. I'll leave that to The Lovely Christina and others.

Friday, June 08, 2007
I still think that she deserved the sentence she received, and won't take back some of the comments I've made. However, I try to imagine how I'd feel if Kristina or one of my nieces was going through this and I know that I would not enjoy seeing it.
I sincerely hope that she learns from this and gets some help for what may be a serious medical or psychological problem.

From today's SHELDON, a daily strip I heartily recommend. Check out the website for total awesomeness!
I was almost tempted to do another Paris Hilton rant, re: her being able to phone in her 'court appearance', but as I was driving in I heard that the judge & D.A. are none to happy, so Ms. Hilton may have to leave poolside and attend in person.
Also, while I don't always agree with Al Sharpton he does have a good point about how Hilton would be treated differently if she was something along the lines of "a white, mine worker's daughter or black, Platinum album selling rapper." I had to keep from tossing something at the TV screen hearing some defense lawyer saying how poor Paris was being targeted because she was famous & rich. I was sobbing into my Batman coffee mug!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Can we safely assume she'll be spotted, wearing her new ankle bracelet, at any number of trendy places within a week?
I know this is only one of those stupid celebrity things which mean nothing in the long run, but maybe there should be some type of investigation into what brought this about. If Hilton does have some medical condition which prevents her from serving her time, shouldn't the court have been aware of this prior to allowing the money and man-hours to be spent to set up the media corral, etc.?
Also, the fact that the news shows are spending more time on this than on Iraq and other real events does bother me, why?
Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Damn! How can the American Justice system do this?
I have to wonder if 'Scooter' will be keeping a prison diary like Paris is reportedly doing. If so, whose will be getting the highest bid from Harper & Row?
Maybe I missed it but were Ms. Hilton's fans out holding a candle-light vigil last night? Unfortunately, I had to work so couldn't have driven up to L.A. even had I wanted to join in.
Lots of folks on the radion making jokes at the expense of both these find upstanding citizens this morning and the late-night talkshows have monologue material for a week or more.
Nothing more to add, but I had to jump in for at least a few moments to comment.

I was hoping to have mug shots of both perps, but a quick Google search came up with only the usual stuff. Of course, I stayed away from pics of Paris as they generally appears, going instead for a face shot. Is that 'lazy eye', or just a bad angle?
Monday, June 04, 2007
As Dave Kellitt of SHELDON says, of it:
" After looking at a site like this, how can you not love Japan? Something tells me there's a whole second layer of awesomeness to the web, but it's all written in katakana...so I'll never find the URLs to even see it."
Saturday, June 02, 2007

I was on my way to work this morning, driving the 5 Freeway where it splits into the 405, when I suddenly spot something bolting from the shoulder. I just had time to realize that it was a possum and swing over to the right lane. Stupidly I didn’t glance in my rearview at the time and nearly got in a fender-bender with a car coming up in that lane. The woman driving hit her brake & horn but by that time I could swing back over. Needless to say my heart was racing at that point and I was very observant for the rest of the drive in.
Sadly, a glance in my rear view mirror seemed to indicate that not every driver was willing to give poor Pogo a chance. Given the concrete highway divider at that point even getting safely across five lanes of northbound traffic wouldn’t have ensured the creature safe passage.