Friday, November 07, 2003

Found it interesting to read in an article yesterday (which unfortunately I didn't note at the time, so can't link to it) which mentioned something that I had not noticed. Ever since the Prez announced that 'major conflict' in Iraq was over, G.W. has not attended a single funeral or memorial service for the men and women being killed while overseas. Now I'd naturally, be among the first to say he was playing politics if he was attending each and every one, and frankly I wouldn't expect him to. However, it is almost as if the Administration is trying to distance itself from the actual hardships our troops are undergoing, while trying to take credit for any successes (limited as they may be).

I'm sure we'll see Bush going to lay a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, come Veteran's Day and no doubt he'll have to make some mention of those who have lost their lives in HIS 'war on terror.' If he had any backbone he would stand up and read off a list of every single soldier, sailor and marine who has been killed in action since the invasion first took place. Maybe he and Dick "I was busy doing other things and that's why I didn't go to Vietnam" Cheney could take turns reading the names and publically expressing their sadness to the families of those in uniform who will not return.

Later this morning I will be taking part in a ceremony here at UNH, honoring those members of the faculty, staff and student body who have served in the Armed Forces. I realize that these types of events will be taking place around the nation in the next several days, but I think that here and in those (unlike the one in Washington) people will be sincere in what they say.

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