Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Far be it for me to get all conspiratorial, but this current brouhaha over the NEWSWEEK article certainly couldn't come at a better time for the Administration. Things are going badly in Iraq, but the demonstrations and deaths caused by the anti-American riots are what is getting coverage.

Of course, over on Fox and in certain circles, all blame is because of reporters and the 'Liberal media'. The actions of this administration and the bad feelings that many in Islamic countries have for us are apparaently the fault of a single article in an American newsweekly that most of those involved in the riots have never heard of. They will ignore the fact that there have been similar reports about the treatment (or rather mistreatment) of Muslims held in confinement since those have generally appeared in the alternative press, in foreign papers or in blogs. If not for irresponsible journalists everything would be just peachy and we'd be beloved as is our right as the One & Only Superpower.

I think we can pretty much lay bets that Republicans in Congress will be holding hearings and trying to pass legislation to curtail the press. For our and their own good, of course!

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