Wednesday, August 24, 2005

As I’ve mentioned before I’m a big fan of Court TV and will generally watch it when I have the morning off. One of the cases currently being televised is Montana vs. Beiber, in which a day care center employee is accused of causing the death of a child by giving him an over-the-counter cold medication. Apparently, at least according to the Prosecutor this was S.O.P. for this place in order to get the children to take naps if they weren’t inclined to do so on their own.

Anyway, the Defense has learned that someone involved in the case (possibly as a witness) may be blogging about the case. There has been a discussion by the various segment hosts and their guests on whether or not this borders on the illegal, coming under any type of ‘gag order’ the judge may have imposed. Generally, as I understand it (and Bob Ingersoll isn’t around to say different) a gag order would only cover the principles in the case anyway. I always find it interesting when the blogoverse comes under discussion out beyond our little world, which we seem to more and more.

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