This doesn't make me feel any better about the situation, especially since they tell me that it may grow worse.
I've been told of the 'warning signs' and that an operation would be necessary should complete detachment begin to occur.
By the way, I hope nobody is creeped out by the eye ball. You should have seen some of the photographs the doctors showed me!! :-(
Oh crap, sorry to hear this. Leonard Kirk had operations for a detached retina, you should get in touch with him if you're concerned and he can probably allay your fears. Of course, being Leonard, he'll probably go into GRAPHIC DETAIL about it all...
Thanks, but this seems a bit different, as explained by my doctors. I do appreciate the advice though.
I've also spoken to a co-worker who tells me her mother has had the same thing for about twenty years and it has not gotten worse.
Fingers crossed!
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