Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Monday, July 30, 2007

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

This doesn't make me feel any better about the situation, especially since they tell me that it may grow worse.
I've been told of the 'warning signs' and that an operation would be necessary should complete detachment begin to occur.
By the way, I hope nobody is creeped out by the eye ball. You should have seen some of the photographs the doctors showed me!! :-(
Monday, July 23, 2007
I'm having trouble seeing the screen so I'm going to make this short. I have been having a problem with the vision in my right eye since Saturday, following an appointment with an eye doctor. Something happened and we haven't figured out quite what.
I am going back tomorrow and hopefully the doctor can find the problem. We'll work from there and hope that worst case (involving eye surgery) doesn't come to pass.
Friday, July 20, 2007

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Here's two more shots of some of the action that took place yesteday behind Heritage Park. I took some photos with my digital camera, but these and the previous two are from the OC Register. You see one of the larger deer which are in the area, but you miss the dozens of rabbits and other smaller creatures which probably headed south from where the fires and equipment were located.

This is the second time that the fires have threatened the complex since we've been here. It's almost funny that it was earthquakes I feared prior to our move. Now I have two things to worry about!
Thursday, July 12, 2007

(Results of Pew Research Center poll: 3/26/07)
The item below comes from the Talking Points Memo (TPM) "Happy Hour Roundup":
House Passes Iraq Withdrawal Bill — Only Four Republicans Defect The House just passed a bill sponsored by Dem Rep. Ike Skelton that would force redeployment of U.S. troops to begin within 120 days and complete redeployment by April 1, 2008. While the vote was good news for Dems in that it garnered more supporters than previous measures — it passed 223-201 — an astonishingly low number of four Republicans defected to support it. It's unclear whether a similar measure will be taken up by the Senate. --gs
I know I made a comment half-jokingly in my previous post about Republican Congress folk being afraid of ruffling Rove's feathers, but exactly how out of step with the American electorate are these people?
When a majority of voters express dissatisfaction with the current strategy and many of those want us out (if not immediately, at least in the next year) how can their elected representatives block every attempt to give them what they want? Is this "supporting the troops" by any stretch of the imagination?

I find it interesting, if not amusing, that Michael Chertoff’ “gut feeling” of a terrorist attack this summer comes just before the report on benchmarks in Iraq. In fact, I was listening to Chertoff being interviewed this morning on the Today Show and not a half hour later (Pacific Time) NBC broke in with the President’s news conference on the report. We’ve gone through this before when poll numbers are bad or there is some story the Administration wants to distract the media from covering. “It’s Al Queda!”
I expect the White House and their lackeys to spin the report one way, while reality appears a bit different. I also don’t believe that much of anything is going to change until September when a few more Republicans might decide to jump ship. Even then I think that Rove and his ops still have enough leverage with the RNC to keep some of the more borderline Congress folks in check.
Looks to be another good day to keep tabs on TPM and the other political sites.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
I seem to recall that is used to be 'common knowledge' that the public really didn't start paying attention to the elections until after the World Series. What was meant of course was the Series of that particular year, not the one previous. Hell, the All-Star game is on tonight (Go AL!!) and already you have various talking-heads acting as if the nominations are all but set in stone.
Me? I might vote for Ralph Nader again, just like back 2000. I didn't blame myself (or him) for the eventual Bush victory and I won't blame myself when Fred Thompson wins next year.
As somebody who doesn't believe in astrology, or much of anything to be honest, it just seems to promote something I find silly, if not offensive to my general outlook.
You can tell that I woke up in 'one of those moods' today, can't you?
Monday, July 09, 2007
Sunday was just the opposite, with the two of us doing a lot of cleaning. We're trying to keep ahead in preparation for our move to a two-bedroom the middle of August.
I also spent a couple of hours talking to both my sisters and my best friend, Gerry. Great to catch up on things back in Connecticut. Got a combination of good news and bad news, but it's personal, so I'm not saying anything. Still it does give you pause to think about how things can be going fine one day and turn the next. We're keeping our fingers crossed and hoping for the best for somebody I've known for a very long time.
Friday, July 06, 2007

Weeks ago I recommended and added a link to Michelle Ray's Appalachian Trail hiking journal. We used to work together in Forest Hills and even then she used to pop off almost every weekend to 'section or day' hike. Early on I half jokingly told her that she should write a book about her journey.
Looks like I wasn't the only one, since I learned today that my former fellow librarian will be writing a non-fiction book on the AT. She and her editor are hoping for a '09 publishing date.
If you haven't been reading Bird Leg's journal you owe yourself a treat. She's got almost a thousand miles left to go, but I don't think any of us doubt she'll make it.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Donna and I spent the morning not really doing much of anything, except laundry. Later we grabbed lunch at El Polo Loco (one of our favorite 'fast food' places, with great chicken dishes) and I picked up some rice bread at Trader Joe's. We then spend the afternoon shopping for living room furniture, in preparation for our move (possibly later this month) to a two bedroom apartment. We didn't buy anything, but have a better idea now of what we want to get (color, style, etc.).
Finally, last night we watched several fireworks displays from our patio. We were able to see three different places from our location, which was kind of cool, since we were really disappointed in the Pasadena coverage on Channel 9 out here. Almost a third of the screen had the station logo and other stuff in three of the four corners, plus along the bottom. In addition the special logo for "Fourth of July Fireworks" actually had exploding bursts every thirty seconds which overwhelmed the real fireworks they were showing. They also were broadcasting the music and 'narrator' very softly for the first ten minutes or so, which was nearly inaudible.
I haven't had a chance to read or listen to any of the news/political blogs so I'll refrain from commenting. I'm sure that there will be something to tick me off.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I for one was overjoyed to hear that Scooter will NOT be going to jail. I mean he's only a kid trying to help the other Muppets put on a show and...what? It's not THAT Scooter? Never mind!
So, lying to a Grand Jury and obstructing justice is deserving of a commutation of sentence? I'll have to keep that in mind.
Lots of the same folks who were damning Paris Hilton and saying she deserved to sit in jail, are cheering Scooter Libby being able to celebrate Independence Day with his family. This White House has sure shown us that it has brought honor and respectability back, hasn't it?
Everybody else has written far better than I ever could on both sides of this issue, so I just wanted to have a moment of silliness.Monday, July 02, 2007
Speaking of which I'm going to try to post some reviews of the movies I saw plus what I caught on the tube. However, I do want to take a moment to recommend ROBOT CHICKEN, over on Cartoon Networks "Adult Swim", if you haven't seen it. Seth Green & company are brilliant.