Sunday, April 29, 2007

I’ve recently been reading two great books which I’d like to recommend. Generally, I’ll just toss in a review of the fiction I’ve been reading, or the occasional non-fiction book which has come to my attention. This time I really feel that these books are important and worth seeking out at your local library.

Sam Harris’ “Letter to a Christian Nation” and Richard Dawkins’ “The God Delusion” both speak to the dangers of not only religious bigotry, but to the harm caused by belief in and of itself. Both writers have written other books discussing many of the same ideas, and both have had books on various bestseller lists. While many other books have dealt with the same topics, it’s unusual for them to enter into the public debate as they have.

Harris’ latest is sort of a follow-up and general response to some of the reviews and mail he received on his previous book, “The End of Faith: religion, terror and the future of reason”. The book is written as an open letter to those people who took offense at what Harris had put into his book, his denunciation of religion and his very public declaration of his atheism. He quotes some of the mail he received and it’s interesting how vile “Christians” can be following in the footsteps of their savior. What would Jesus do? Surely not call for Harris to be tortured and his family killed? Then again, maybe He would. This could very well be why Harris gets a bit testy in some parts of the book. His anger, justified or not, is pretty evident.

Dawkins is much more level headed throughout. Although he goes over some of the same areas Harris covers, he's able to maintain a sense of humor. Dawkins' book is dedicated to his friend and fellow atheist, the late Douglas Adams (who is quoted several times in the book). As Dawkins is a scientist he sometimes may go over the head of a lay person. I'm not too proud to admit that the concepts of 'meme' and genetics make my head hurt. Still most of Dawkins' book is fascinating and I highly recommend it, even if you don't agree with all of his positions.

Over the next few months I plan to pick up a few other books which both Dawkins & Harris recommend (including other books by each). With all the miracles and "God's wraith" we get in too regular proportions from the media it's nice to see my own point of view given voice.

By the way, I just want to remind folks that it is going to be the National Day of Reason this coming Thursday (5/3), which you can read about over at A response to the National Day of Prayer we go through every year, and about time!

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