I probably should wait until I get home from working this evening and actually watch the “State of the Union” to make any comments. However, sight unseen I do want to mention a few things.
I get a kick out of the fact that several websites are posting ‘drinking games’ to play while listening to the President be all bi-partisan and stuff. There have been rumors that he was going to keep his comments re: Iraq short and then go on to other issues, but I think the American people really want to hear him justify his current policy. We all know that he has little support, even within his own party, to get anything on his agenda very far.
I think that the Democratic response this year will get a bit more air-play than it normally does. Let’s see if anybody besides C-SPAN actually carries it?
Something I always enjoy following these things are the ‘applause counts’ that the news anchors always mention. As if those phony moments have anything to do with what is actually presented.
Before I’m asked let me get out in front of one issue. I’m not a big Senator Clinton fan, so don’t expect me to come out in favor of her run. Personally, I don’t dislike her, but feel that she has enough baggage (her & Bill) to keep her from making a successful bid for the Democratic top spot. Randi Rhodes, over on Air America Radio, makes the point that you really shouldn’t expend all your emotion on the primary since then you’ll be disappointed if your particular fave doesn’t get the nomination. It also makes it difficult to then say all those wonderful things about the winning Dem, who you spent the last six to twelve months bashing.
I’ll probably have a few things to say, either tomorrow or the next day, about the actual speech and the response, so stay tuned.
I get a kick out of the fact that several websites are posting ‘drinking games’ to play while listening to the President be all bi-partisan and stuff. There have been rumors that he was going to keep his comments re: Iraq short and then go on to other issues, but I think the American people really want to hear him justify his current policy. We all know that he has little support, even within his own party, to get anything on his agenda very far.
I think that the Democratic response this year will get a bit more air-play than it normally does. Let’s see if anybody besides C-SPAN actually carries it?
Something I always enjoy following these things are the ‘applause counts’ that the news anchors always mention. As if those phony moments have anything to do with what is actually presented.
Before I’m asked let me get out in front of one issue. I’m not a big Senator Clinton fan, so don’t expect me to come out in favor of her run. Personally, I don’t dislike her, but feel that she has enough baggage (her & Bill) to keep her from making a successful bid for the Democratic top spot. Randi Rhodes, over on Air America Radio, makes the point that you really shouldn’t expend all your emotion on the primary since then you’ll be disappointed if your particular fave doesn’t get the nomination. It also makes it difficult to then say all those wonderful things about the winning Dem, who you spent the last six to twelve months bashing.
I’ll probably have a few things to say, either tomorrow or the next day, about the actual speech and the response, so stay tuned.
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