Thursday, November 18, 2004

LOST remains one of the favorite shows here at Chez Chaput. What a surprise seeing Mira Furlan turn up as the mysterious Danielle, another survivor on the island. Shipwrecked with others for close to sixteen years, she has been alone for much of that time. It was her transmission that Sayid was trying to locate. If you’re not already watching this series you’re missing out on some interesting characters and plenty of mystery. There are still secrets about the island, as well as things about the past of many of the survivors left to be revealed. One question is what about those passengers in the rear of the plane when the craft split in half. If most of those in the front survived, couldn’t those in the other half also be stranded somewhere?

WEST WING continues to be a ‘must see’ program. Now that we know that Leo survived his heart attack the writers are allowing some humor to return to the script. The meeting of Josh with members of various alternative energy committees was nice, giving the pros and cons of each, and doing so in a light hearted manner. It was probably the first time that many in the audience had ever heard of Dr. M. King Hubbert and his oil production peak projection. You certainly aren’t getting much from the mainstream media and I don’t recall it coming up at all during the Presidential debates.

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