Monday, September 11, 2006

Couldn't let the anniversary of the WTC tragedy go unmarked, but I'm not going to use it to be all political. We'll see if the President can keep his word and not turn his Oval Office speech into a campaign soapbox.

It doesn't seem like five years have passed since I got a phone call from Donna, who was at work, telling me that a plane had hit the first tower. By the time we got the television in the UNH library going we witnessed the second plane hitting. Only a couple of hours later I was at home watching with the rest of the world and waiting for Donna to get home from work, as she stayed (since she had heard from her family in NY and they were all well).

Are we safer today than we were back then? Not by much in my book, but I'm not an expert by any means. Although I do wonder how you get to be a 'terrorism' expert? It must pay pretty well since there are so many of them on television. Hell, I've got my military background and a Masters degree! Shouldn't that get me a few minutes on Fox?

Still now news on the job front, but I'm still sending out resumes (both via the Post Office & electronically) so something will eventually turn up, I'm sure. Going to be heading over to the Job Center here in Orange County to chat with one of the Veteran's reps, just so see if that gets anything moving. Might be time for one of those career shifts away from the library field, although I really would hate to do that at this late stage. I have sent out a couple of resumes to places looking for managerial types without an MLS to play things safe.

Also, waiting to get the second car out here in a couple of days, which will let Donna and I get around seperately should something turn up for either of us.

I'll keep you posted and will try to drop by here at least once a week if I can.

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