Friday, September 24, 2004

I haven't been new comics lately, but have picked up and read some of the trade paperbacks here at the library. If something really catches my eye I'll mention it.

In this case, CLAN APIS by Jay Hosler, is something very different. Believe it or not the book collects a the series which appeared originally in 1999 - 2000. Hosler tells the life story of Nyuki, a honey bee from her days as a larva to her final 'gift' to her hive. I'd read reviews of the book by Tony Isabella and others, so was intrigued when I saw that the Rego Park branch (where I'm currently working) had a copy. It really is a sweet story, appropriate for all-ages, although a parent might have to explain some things to a very young child.

Hosler won a Xeric Award, which allowed him to complete his work. Not for everyone, but a book which you might want to give to non-comics readers to show them that the medium can do more than super-heroes.