Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Along with the usual stuff for Viagra, "You have won", and "you have a e-card from ..." crap filling my Bulk folder on Yahoo I have found that I have been getting other things recently. The most disturbing part is that they appear to have been sent by friends or in mailing lists to which I belong.
These new things are supposedly for 'social networking' sites which the sender thinks I may be interested in joining.
I'm not going to mention the sites, since they may be legit and the spam is being sent out by somebody without permission. I'm certainly NOT going to click on the link given in the e-mail or go to the site given, just in case. Still it is annoying to have to go through these, since some are not being stopped, especially those sent by addresses I have cleared.

This is why I have an account that only my family and a few friends know about.

Let us be careful out there!

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