Monday, October 18, 2004

Even reading the number of book reviews which I do each week, it's impossible to keep up with all the new material coming out. It's even harder to try and sample new writers. One way I try is by signing up for as e-mail book club.

Dearreader.Com was started by Suzanne Beecher allowing folks to sign up for a 'five minute' section of a book to be e-mailed to them Monday to Friday. By the end of the week you've usually read one or two chapters and have a good idea if that book would be something you'd like to eith buy or check out at the library. Suzanne has eleven 'book clubs', covering various genres, even one on audio-books. I've signed up for the "Mystery" and "Pre-publication" sections.

I've put a link to the book club site over on the left, but you can also check out Suzanne's new blog at which includes her personal observations.

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