Tuesday, February 27, 2007
I may be blogging a bit more frequently over the next few weeks, as the job situation has finally appeared to resolved itself. Again I don't want to jinx things but it seems that Donna and I will both be fully employed by the middle of next month.
Just to quickly catch up on things: Helen DeGeneres did an excellent job at the Oscars the other night. Personally, I didn't doubt she would and there were few surprises. It was, of course, wonderful that Martin Scorsese received his long-overdue statue. I know that the winner is not known before hand, but it did make me wonder that they would be able to have Lucas, Spielberg and Coppola there almost miraculously when it happened.
Countdown with Keith Olbermann continues to be THE best news program on any of the cable networks. Sandwiched between Chris Matthews and Joe Scarborough, Keith is a breath of fresh air. Hell, I even turn on early to see some of Hardball and remain tuned for the beginning of Scarborough Country.
I'll probably get around to saying something over at Shot's Shack, but did want to remind folks that Spring Training, followed by exhibition season is in progress as we speak. For me still the only sport which can get me to view just about any team playing any other team, baseball remains America's Pasttime as far as I'm concerned.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I've been making the drive to Anaheim several times a month since getting here in August. At least twice a month I drive up to work at S.C.I.T.'s library. Despite the ride getting to be routine I don't think I'll ever get tired of it.
Just past where the Car Pool lane turns off for Gene Autry Freeway and past the exit to Disneyland Drive you glimpse over on your right the tip of the Matterhorn. Having grown up watching the old Disney shows the fact that I'm so close to the Magic Kingdom is kind of special.
There's just something cool about having these huge palm trees on either side of you and then seeing the Matterhorn rising up around the bend.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Friday, February 02, 2007
These were the first pictures we took of Babie when we got out new digital camera. They were taken back in Brooklyn, but I figured I'd post them anyway.
For those still wondering, the 'new job' didn't come through. On the other hand, I do have another interview this coming Monday in Newport Beach.
One thing which keeps coming up during interviews is the phrase, "you're in Southern California now." I really haven't figured out what anybody means by this, since I know full well where we are! It does appear to imply that things are different from New York, but then even the two systems I worked for in New York had their differences.
Anybody care to explain?