Saturday, June 21, 2003

Well, yesterday didn't turn out at all as I had planned.

Donna wasn't feeling well, so she stayed home. Naturally, I didn't want to take off and go to the movies, leaving her at home alone. So I just went to the dentist for a cleaning, as I was already scheduled. Nothing ever can be simple, can it?

As the dental hygenist was finishing up, giving me the usual speech about my failure to floss, she noticed and mentioned that I had a sore or blister on my tongue. Did I know it was there? Well, to be honest we had gone through this earlier in the year when I first noticed such a thing, but when I finally got to the dentist ( a few days later) nothing was there. The next time something showed up I just went to my regular family doctor (since he could fit me in) and was told that it looked like I had either bit my tongue or 'bruised' it by rubbing it against a rather sharp edged filling I have on the side. I left it at that.

This time the hygenist called in the dentist and he agreed that there 'was something' and had me go over to the oral surgeon next door. There I was told that it might be several things, which were minor, or something (which I'd really rather not think about).

Of the minor things mentioned, one was "Geographic Tongue" (who I think fought Aquaman briefly when Eric Larson was writing the book), which is a bacterial infection which comes & goes, but travels to different parts of the tongue. This can be taken care of by brushing the tongue with medication. Another possiblity (and the one I personally think is the cause) is that I might possibly be grinding my teeth while sleeping and a portion of my tongue (the sore/blister is always on the right side) is being bitten or pressed between my teeth, thereby creating the sore. I almost always sleep on my right side, as otherwise I'm snoring into Donna's face. (Others reading this may have personal knowledge of this type of activity on my part!)

One other possibility was implied, but the 'word' was never uttered. I'd rather not go down that road of speculation, but as you can imagine it pretty much put a damper on any desire I would have had to go to the movies anyway. :-(

Fortunately, Donna will not allow me to wollow in self-pity and, as she is medically trained she convinced me that even worse case, I really shouldn't get all upset, since there were things which could be done. I'll let you know how things go, as I'm scheduled to check in with the oral surgeon next Friday.

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