Tuesday, June 24, 2003

I’ve decided to drop BATGIRL & BIRDS OF PREY. Nothing I’ve read about the new creative team on BOP strikes my interest so it seems like a good time to drop the title. As for BATGIRL, the past two issues have been difficult to read. I mean, I've been reading comics for over forty years and I think I can pretty much follow a comics, if the creators have a modicum of talent. Unfortunately, the combination of bad art(maybe over stylised would be a better word for it) and sloppy (that word DOES apply) writing have actually stopped me dead on some pages, trying to figure out what was going on. I really like the Cassandra character, but if it’s an effort to read a book why bother.

While I missed the second issue of the YJ/Titans x-over, the third issue left me with no desire to go back and pick it up. I was sorry to see the death of a long-time character, plus another who I really was not familiar with. Sadly the final page, while probably great for fans of the better-known character, minimized the other. It seems like the DC folks didn't want to antagonize fans of this character, so placed her in a situation that would ensure her availability at some later date. Now knowing what we do about the character, doesn't this deter us from really caring about what might happen to her, since she can obviously rebound from anything?

Needless to say I won’t be picking up either THE OUTSIDERS nor any new TITANS book at this point. I covered some of my reasons last time out, but this mini-series ends on a point that I think should have ended things. Let me get this straight....

Dick Grayson is upset that he and Roy were able to send 'family' to their deaths, so in a month or so Dick will feel just fine about rounding up a group of almost total strangers and send them off? What a heroic thing to do? He certainly did learn solid values at the feet of Bruce Wayne.

I was on the fence regarding JLA and the current storyline WHITE RAGE (as I mentioned before) really does nothing for me. Haven't we seen all this over in Marvel? Also, why would this American Axis (or whatever it's called) be taking marching orders from an African-American (or whatever nationality the behind the scenes villain may be)? Besides, doesn't one of them dress suspiciously like a character straight out of the Arabian Nights? What part of Illinois is he from? After the final issue of this arc, I'm out.

Well, both POWER COMPANY (a surprise to me) & DOOM PATROL (this has been known for months) are going to end after their next issue. Once again, I want to thank the Powers That Be for helping me free up some comic buying dollars. Both of these titles were in my Top Ten, so along with YJ, this means I have room for some non-DC books to move up. :-)

At this rate I don't even have to consider which titles to drop, since DC and Marvel are doing such a great job of doing it for me.

Read AKIKO #50 last night and as usual was delighted. Boy, it's been a while between issues, but it was wonderful to see the whole gang back in good form. Loved having the book broken up into two shorter Akiko tales, plus the little glimpes of other characters and side stories that Crilley tossed in. Mark continues to bring out one of the best 'all ages' comics on the shelves.

Both JSA and JSA: ALL-STARS are terrific. JSA remains one of the best (possibly THE best) DC title that appears safe from cancellation. It's also easy to see why it has so many fans rating it so highly. While the first issue of ALL-STARS wasn't as good as I had hoped, the second issue, featuring the new incarnation of Hawkgirl and the original HM (in a short GA tale) were top-notch. Both showed us the human face behind the masks, plus a side of Hawkgirl that I hope we get to see again. If this is what the rest of the series holds than I've turned around and will be here for the run.

I'll probably have more to say on comics in a day or two. I have the latest issues of POWERS, USAGI YOJIMBO and a few other titles that I'd like to talk about.

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