Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Just a quick comments, since nothing earth-shattering has caught my attention on the news.

I mean, we all know that the 'investigation' in Congress on the whole WMD/Iraq intelligence matter is going to be kept minimal by Republicans to start. The White House will refuse to cooperate somewhere down the line, but unlike the Clinton matter (in which nobody but Clinton's family really was harmed) G.W. & Co. will remain clear of any taint (Can everyone say Iran/Contra? Sure, I knew you could!)

We've already declared victory, so isn't it annoying that the media keeps harping on things like U.S. troops being shot at or killing protesters? Hell, we did such a great job turning Afghanistan into a democratic and completely rebuilt nation that it's only a matter of a few months before we do the same in Iraq. It's those pesky Iranians that you have to watch out for. Besides weren't all the 9/11 hijackers Iranian? :-)

On a lighter note (pun intended), things went well with our first Wieght Watcher's weigh-in. Both of us actually lost a few pounds, so we're pleased so far. As we get used to the 'point system' and estimating portion size things are getting easier. I'll keep you all updated.

That's all for now, unless something of note happens later.

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