Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Okay, so let's play some catch-up.

Donna and I spent the weekend in Brooklyn, visiting her family. I also had to pick up some clothes (a new suit, sports jacket, pants, etc.) that I had bought and had tailored. We have a wedding coming up and my old suit not only doesn't fit as well as it once did (we'll see if Weight Watchers changes that :-), but it actually a heavier, winter suit. The new one is lighter and black, so will be perfect when we go on the cruise for those formal nights. I bought a 'tuxedo' shirt w/bowtie plus the studs and cufflinks, so we won't have to rent a tux this time out. Figure it will be perfect for the Captain's Gala, and I can wear a regular white shirt with necktie on the second formal night.

Man, you'd think that when you went off to relax you could do without all that dressing up? To be honest, you have the option of not dressing and going to the Lido Deck for dinner, but there is something special about getting dressed and having your picture taken.

Anyway, Kristina and her pal Devin talked me into playing with their new X-box. I spent several hours on Saturday playing four or five different games. Being a member of the pinball generation, everything beyond Pong frightens and confuses me. :-)

Seriously though, I had fun with the STAR WARS: Jedi (something) game, where you choose to be a character and then fight with light sabers not only the other person, but also various other characters around the Death Star. I learned quickly that I had no talent for the 'racing' game' so gave up after crashing over and over. Actually, worked up a sweat playing some martial arts game, where you again get to pick your character and then 'fight' your opponent. The graphics for all the games are quite good, but I really didn't think the racing game was much better than your typical arcade type machine.

I probably only played PACMAN a couple of times when the game initially came out, so I can't say there was a lot of nostalgia on my part for PAC MAN 2. Still the game does have some nice graphics and it is easy to see why kids would enjoy it. Hell, if I can play and get through several levels, without getting killed I'm sure your typical seven year old would love the game. :-)

I also got talked into playing the Tony Hawks skating game (which I'm sure actually had an interesting name, but that's all I recall). As with all these game (save Pac Man) you can choose a character and even change how they are dressed. My two co-horts seemed to find it extremely funny to remove the top of the one female skater and have her perform sans halter.

Monday, found me driving up to West Hartford for a regional conference on users of Interlibrary Loan. Here at UNH we use a product of OCLC called Passport to do our ILL procedures. They are planning some changes and I think, if I can convince the university to put out the money, I believe we should change to another program which will allow faster ILL service to our students, including direct electronic delivery of journal articles. We'll see how that effort goes. :-(

For those keeping track of such things, I did get lost both going and coming back. I don't think I should be allowed to go any great distances without a skilled navigator. Either that or I should sit down and re-write all directions in a form that I immediately understand and don't have to try to decipher on the fly, as it were. Missing that exit can be a real pain! *sigh*

Not much else to report at the moment, but that can always change. I will try to get in tomorrow to let everyone (eagerly awaiting the news) how I did with WW the first week. Donna and I have really tried to keep within our 'point range' each day and cut down on shacks, super-large portions and fats. Remains to see if it has shown anything after a week. Tune in tomorrow and find out. :-)

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