Tuesday, November 29, 2022

NYC is going to try to assist some of the homeless for the own good, plus an admission of my own brush with a legal issue.


Have to admit that I am of two minds when it comes to this. I believe that the homeless should be entitled to all their rights, as being without a permanent residence should not be a crime. On the other hand, if a person is likely to harm themselves or others it would be best to put them under observation. They should also be receiving psychological and medical help during this time.
Going to make an admission here. While I was still working, shortly after Donna had passed away, I made what was in hindsight a stupid comment which was taken out of context. At least I saw it. Due to this, it was reported that I had made a threat and the police, along with Human Resources were contacted. Despite my explanation, I was taken to a local hospital and put into a ward where a psychologist could speak to me. I admit that I really wasn't aware at the time that if the doctor didn't sign my release I could be kept for several days. Fortunately, I was able to explain the situation and what I had been saying was a misunderstanding. I was released, but could not return to work until an independent therapist could sign off on me. I was able to return to work a couple of weeks later and the matter was dropped. By that time I only had a month until I retired and it seemed everyone wanted to move on.
Most of you have never heard this story before, or if you did it might have been a shorter version. I felt this story from NYC was a good way to get into the subject. Hope that no one thinks less of me for this


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