Monday, December 19, 2005

I didn't listen to His Smugness last night, but the media has pretty much given me the high (or low) points, so I obviously didn't miss much.
The "Strategy for Victory" seems to be telling the American public over and over that we can't expect victory unless we stay in Iraq. If we leave now "the terrorists have won." The intelligence was bad, he accepts responsibility but he'd do it again. He's beginning to resemble the impersonation that Dana Carvey used to do of his father. "Stay the course!"

In other words, there's nothing new to report, except that our government has the 'Constitutional' right to listen in on domestic phone calls. Only if one person on the line is suspected of being a terrorist, supporting terrorism or being a member of an organization which supports terrorism. Is there a list of those organizations? Does it resemble the list of about a hundred groups that I had to claim not to be a member of back when I first joined the Navy? Those were groups suspected of advocating the violent overthrow of the American government.

I think I ended up joining or donating money to several of them during the the Vietnam era. My bad!

Not sure from where or if I'll be posting tomorrow, since if there's a transit strike I'm not going to be working here in Queens. I've signed up to work a few blocks from home in a Brooklyn library where I worked on & off about a decade ago.

To be honest, I'm not really sure whether I'd enjoy a strike for a day or two or not. :-)


Elayne said...

Heh, great post. What branch in Brooklyn?

Steve Chaput said...

Believe it or not, I'm working in McKinley Park. If you recall I used to work here every so often back when I was at Mapleton.

Guess the Ridgewood staff & I will have to reshedule our holiday party. We were supposed to have it today.